After the Fair...

As the big lorries, with their unwieldy loads trundled off into the night and with the Fair packed up for another year...

...I now have a cold and when I get them I may as well be shut up in a small warm room, with no contact with anyone - don't ask why, but it ain't pleasant... just before bedtime, last night, I nipped out just a few hundred yards and grabbed this. A first time, just the one guessed (3.5 mins) exposure and it was originally going to be a black and white. I had blipped this scene before, but slightly differently and that was in a silvery grey monotone and looked lovely...

...but the autumn leaves, both on the ground and on the tree just looked so nice in colour and whilst partly lit my orange streetlamps, this required no colour alteration but still managed to look OK.

I was trying out a secondhand replacement timer for the D700, got for a fiver after I inadvertently broke the old remote one. So, I used my venerable old Nikkor D 17-35mm f2.8 for this shot - I should use it more but it is so heavy, in comparison to the D7000/Nikkor 10-24mm set up.

Thanks to ALL who followed my Fair pictures - well worth the bustle, noise and prodding - I think fairgrounds capture a youthful element within us and helps keep us feeling young.

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