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By LovePopcorn

Snacking Siberian

This is Nevada our Male Siberian Husky. He waited at home while we took Lily to the Vet for her anal gland check-up (also had the Vet demonstrate how to properly perform the procedure as it's $30 US each time!)
Mr. LovePopcorn bought a set of two "Peanut flavored Long Lasting Chews" (that's what the package stated) to bring home as a treat for the dogs.
I was doubtful about the claim, even told the cashier the chews might last a long time with a small "Foo-Foo" dog who eats delicately, but they didn't look like they would last 5 minutes with our large dogs.
Lily inhaled hers in 6 minutes!
Nevada actually chewed his in little bites, but it disappeared in 8 minutes.

people: receptionist, Dr. Feigler (Vet), Nancy
places: Point Loma, City Heights
particulars: trimmed 2 pitcher bottoms; paper filing and sorting

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