Windy Walk and No Stickathon

Barking News.. Hey there is a lot of you out there that really appreciate the odd daisy. Errr hang on a bit…The daisies were not actually odd, they were lovely, I mean they may have been even, I didn’t actually think to count them but odd…probably a 50/50 chance The Boss says.

OH! Never mind, I appreciate your appreciation. There…Now then…

There was a lot going on today. The Boss had a chore list (Sorry client privilege and I can’t say where it came from) which included fix the dimmer that had died, fix the doorbell (my favourite) that had died, Help the nice lady down the street with her Mac drive (no dogs required), Bind some reports for The Bossess, Make at least 3 Lattes (with patterns) with anonymous delivery instructions, and get SOME GRUB for ME.

I am delighted to report that all tasks were completed and the last one was a delight as being the 11th bag it was free.

This meant that the only time for an outing was after T. That’s T for tea not T for Tussock…OK? The lake was still impossibly high so it was a click and go with the pawdometer and round the grapes to home.
I am really pleased that the doorbell is fixed as The Boss had to have a couple of test runs and therefore so did I. Oh it was wonderful if not a tad noisy.

Don’t trip on the log

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