
By Dotty

Hope & Glory

James Thomson's rather understated and drab erection compared to the deliciously vulgar magnificence of the Marquis of Lothian's.

Still - what he lacked in stature he made up for in words. Many, many, many (yawn) words. But The Seasons can be quite fun if you make a new one up all of your own just by extracting the rude lines. And he did die poetically at least - 'with some careless exasperation'.

Talking of death - Charlie is planning Betty AND Mr Pitt's replacements. Charlie's main concern is how soon would be bad form to remove Betty & Mr Pitt from the Wii doodah...

It's been a grand day. Ad it isn't over yet.

Good Things
Trying to giggle quietly (and failing)
Laughing at 1970s recipe books and then realising that some of what your mum cooked might actually be quite nice to have again
A hot mug of tea after a very cold cycle to work
Pervy Neoprene overshoes

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