PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Putting things into Perspective

Well, the animal gods were with me today and there was no major emergencies or situations that I couldn't handle by myself :) Phew! As the day drew to a close I headed down to do one final check on our Madagascan Tree Boa in quarantine. On my way back to the hospital I passed by a very happy wedding party having their photos taken around the zoo. It was a lovely happy moment to watch but afterwards I was left with a rather sad empty feeling inside.

Trying not to dwell I went and had a few after work drinks with my friend B who also works at the zoo. She never fails to make me smile and laugh when I am around her! Then it was time for home and a quick late afternoon walk with Bonnie. On our walk we came across this poor Maggie who is missing most of the top of his beak! And I thought I had problems?!

I am still thinking about him now. I can't imagine he could eat properly with that much beak missing and am wondering how thin he must be of if it has just happened... How has it happened? I had no way of trying to catch him and even if I had a net he can still fly well so it will be a difficult rescue. I might go back to the spot tomorrow and see if he is still hanging around. There might be a wildlife rescue group that can try and catch him up.

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