Jax and co.

By indusriver

the pre teen on the wall!

Mia my stepdaughter is 13 today - there are now three teenagers in the house! This one here is the last of the older four to become one - in another six months...my sweet boy with the world's softest skin! Impossible to think of him going through puberty!

Rain, hail, blow a gale and repeat was the order of today's weather. Just when I thought I might get out to plant the last of the spring bulbs or have a walk down the canal, it started all over again and I was basically blown back in. Still time inside meant a roast chicken for dinner which is a big rarity in this place!

Sienna sprang back to her resemblance of 'normal' nearly although now we have my husband stricken down with one of the illnesses that have been through the house this half term - bring on the 'back to school' wellness I say!

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