Between World Wars

On 11th November last year, I honoured my grandfather in WWI, and on 11th November two years ago I remembered my father's inevitable involvement in WWII. This year, I thought I'd combine my ongoing clutter-clearing process with a touch of peacetime patriotism. This tin (probably a cigarette tin) commemorates King George V's Christmas Broadcast "to the British Empire" in 1932 - the first of its kind, later to be replaced by the traditional 3pm TV Christmas broadcast by our queen to The Commonwealth.

The tin's embossed images include a lion couchant in front of the Union Flag, Britannia ruling the waves as the sun rises over two ships at sea and, on the lid, profiles of King George and Queen Mary. Stirring stuff from between the wars ...

... and now it can find a new home!

My poppy's there in respect and recognition of servicemen and women today, giving their lives and limbs in the name of peace. Bless them all.

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