My Best Efforts - Year 3


Birthday Sunset.........

..........nearly at the end of a lovely day with Anni.
She came over this morning with presents, did a lot to sort out the problems I have had with files on my laptop (bless her!) then took me out to lunch. I had no idea where we were going but we ended up at The Trent Port Hotel. She had gone to a lot of trouble to find a pleasant place where there was a carvery - I have a smallish appetite and am usually completely overwhelmed by the large portions which are served up - whereas here you could choose a small, medium or large (I decided on the "small one) each governed by the amount of meat you were given. The amount of meat (I chose roast pork which was delicious) was ample with cranberry sauce, roast potatoes, Yorkshire pudding, runner beans and stuffing. There was a large choice of veg from which to select. Finished off with blackberry and apple pie with custard. Nothing whatsoever left over or wasted !

On the way back, I took this picture which seemed to me perfect to mark the near end of yet another a really lovely birthday!

After all the rain yesterday, the weather could not have been better with blue skies, fluffy clouds and a little warmer than of late. Whenever we have a day out together, the weather always seems kind to us!

sooc except for slight cropping and a sharpen.

This day last year, Anni to0k me to Pensthorpe Nature Reserve - another lovely Birthday!

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