PawsClaws n Tails outWest

By DesertP

Posting this the morning after as I just couldn't manage anything more last night than shuffling round the house in semi coma-tose like state. It seems I'm losing my ability to socialize on school nights!

I was up at 5am for a run (rather proud of that as it's been a while since I managed to get up that early!), then off to work, busy day as usual, home and out the door with Bonnie, then home and out the door for dinner with L who heads back up north for work later this week. By the time I got home from yummy Thai I was exhausted, fell asleep on the bed with Bonnie. Woke up about an hour later - crap! No blip! Snapped this shot of Bonnie and fell asleep again!

Going to have to start going to bed earlier if I want to continue getting up early! Today I will be the primary nurse for a hyena dental procedure... I hope it goes smoothly - a little bit nervous! My first large carnivore anaesthetic here at the zoo - I know I've done lots of bears but the routine here is very different and each vet has their own way of doing things! Wish me luck!

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