I'm Back, Too

I've been away from the YMCA for quite a while, due to a series of health issues that kept me from exercising this time last year and well into 2013, other than in my gentle yoga class.

Knowing I'd have to start back slowly, I met with one of the Y's personal trainers recently to review the exercise machines and treadmill use. Today, after my physical therapy appointment, I re-started my fitness routine, and plan to go to the Y twice a week, in addition to my mid-week yoga class.

My earlier fitness level was far below many of the people I follow here -- no nine-mile walks or runs up and down moors and mountains -- but I'm looking forward to getting stronger, having more stamina, and increasing the flexibility that yoga has brought me.

Our spring and summer travel plans include lots of walking in both familiar and new places, and I want to be ready!

(Today's title refers to the title of yesterday's blip. Mr. Flicker must be out inspecting other properties today, as I've not seen any sign of him.)

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