
By fennerpearson

Can I have some more?

This evening I picked Milly up from her course at the college and headed back over to Kirkby Lonsdale. Realising I hadn't got anything to give her when we got in, we stopped off at Booths on the way to buy some supper.

Milly is a girl of unusual tastes, at least compared with her sisters - she loves sushi and olives, for example - so we headed over to the deli counter to buy some olives with feta (her favourite). Whilst she was getting served, I decided this picture of all the gorgeous quiches and pies would make for a more interesting photo than the moody shot of the car park that I'd taken a few minutes earlier.

Anyway, all this food reminded me of an article in this morning's Guardian: "Shop thefts rise as economic downturn bites"* although perhaps a more verbose sub-editor might have written "Shop thefts rise as economic downturn bites the poor and disadvantaged".

And do you know what, I really thought I was running out of anger and disgust at this government but it seems there is still plenty to come. I'm beginning to think these Eton boys have got a bit missing. Perhaps George Monbiot is right when he speculates that our public school system causes "an extreme hardening of normal human softness, a severe cutting off from emotions and sensitivity".

Certainly our multi-millionaire, benefit accepting prime minister is happy to refuse benefits to those who need them a lot more than he ever has. In fact, he's not needed them at all. He talked about protecting the NHS but he was lying. He talked about austerity being necessary, now he says it's the ideal state for our country, where the dying are told they are fit for work and the poor pay for the mistakes made by bankers who are already claiming that their four million pound bonuses aren't large enough.

Our country is being run by people who lack compassion and who. like Theresa May, are willing to ignore the facts in order to promote their ideological agendas. They are turning this country into a place that suits them and no one else. These people must never be allowed to rule again.

Right, that's enough. No politics or anger in tomorrow's post. (I'll do my best, anyway.)


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