Northern Exposure

By Northern

Water babies

Although it was Campbell's birthday yesterday he had his party today, at our local swimming pool. Before that though a couple of friends had arranged for us to visit the lobster hatchery.

Orkney has one of, if not the, most successful lobster hatcheries in Europe. It's purpose is to create a sustainable lobster fishery around the Orkney Isles. They hatch and release around 95,000 baby lobsters every year. Most into Orkney waters but some of the ones we saw today will be heading for the seas around Ireland. Fishermen pay a levy every year to support the hatchery and are rewarded by an increase in the number of lobsters they catch.

The ones in the pic are around about 6 weeks old (I think) and are kept in their individual cells as they are grumpy wee things and will pull each others claws off if they have to share. We also saw others which were around 8 years old and had enjoyed the freedom of the ocean bed before being captured. These were massive and are now in large ponds waiting for xmas... somehow I don't think they will have time to enjoy their presents :( but I'm sure they will be welcome guests at anyones table.

After that it was off to the pool where we had great fun. Especially with the large twin track inflatable obstacle course and the water blasters. Result was lots of tired and happy children and a few totally exhausted parents.

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