Staffroom Blues!

The munchers have now moved through into the dining room and the staff room so it will be the Main Hall next!

Goodness me that staff room could tell a story or two: JR, gorgeous PE guy vaulting over the furniture; Mr L and the saga of the Banda machine; a range of quality retirement speeches; Ofsted tears; the arrival of the Human Cannonball; a conflagration; several changes of Management; a ballet dancer exercising on the lockers; FODs and FOFOs; discarded home made wine; broken eggs; Yellow Submarine in a falsetto voice drifting up from below; tea, milk and two sugars x five = £2.50; assorted romances; an autumn of Kevin Keegan perms; the Mystery of the missing Languages teacher; stolen Lycra........all overseen by the Christmas Decorations in the Men's corner which stayed put all year round!

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