Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

Possibly not the best choice......

.....of breakfast viewing....

I was watching a BBC programme about the Cold War yesterday and mention was made of The War Game (Wikipedia link), a 1965 BBC drama-documentary about the effects of a nuclear war on Britain that wasn't deemed suitable for general transmission until 1985. I remember seeing it in a 'Liberal Studies' session in 1969/70 at college and being well-impressed AND like an idiot I searched for it on YouTube this morning and, lo and behold, there it was in its awful/awe-full entirety. It's not for the faint-hearted, or while eating.....maybe I should have stuck with last nights 'Archers' and 'Homes under the Hammer'........

PS....I'll be aiming for more of an uplifting blip tomorrow methinks......

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