Big-girl ccino

4years 31days

Ballet day today. We left nursery quite early both because we had things we wanted to do before and because mummy was helping with the classes today. I picked her up just before her afternoon snack so she was expecting instant food and ate almost everything in the snack box immediately. We went to get some photos printed for a project sent home from nursery that we plan to do tomorrow morning. While we waited, we went for a drink. They insisted they didn't know what a babyccino was and couldn't provide one. So she had a normal sized cup of warm milk. She wasnt impressed at first then soon drained it.

At dancing she is really picking up the exam pieces now, although she refused to introduce herself when I was there despite being the one to do it loudest and most confident apparently when I'm not. After her class, we stayed so I could continue to help and also supervise the teachers daughter. I say supervise. Katie and her just danced the whole big girls class from the little stage in the studio. Both the teacher and I were nearly crying with laughter at them during the freestyle Hamster Dance. We hadnt planned to stay quite the whole class but neither Katie nor her friend wanted Katie to leave.

Nursery told me today that Katie routinely initiates dance classes at nursery. They make a stage on the floor and she lines a group of about 7 up then teaches them her moves. Including correcting their feet etc. but the second one of staff goes over, they said she runs straight off!

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