It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Boat House Door.....

Hey guys
This is a late blip.
Write up to follow
Draco xxx

Ok Today we went to Grasmere with John and all the Group for our last day at LPH :-(
It was a clear blue sky....but pretty cold I have to say. The light was very harsh and very difficult to get the enormous contrasts of bright light and shade right. Plus with a blue sky like this it reflects blue in the water and grass.
I struggled big time I have to say. People think clear blue sky and sunlight are easy....think again.
Anyway we spread about the Lake and after having people ask......What's going on is there something to photograph.....Johns pet hate question! Just the Landscape!
Some people just don't appreciate the wonderful land around.
TIP......If you see John out with a group ....Don't ask him what he's photographing ....If you do expect a harsh response :-))

I felt a bit odd today as while we were at Grasmere. Standing with David (Rockarea) sorting out polariser stuff and filters a man came up to us and asked "Excuse me, are you Draco?" I couldn't believe what I was hearing! Someone recognised me from my profile pic on Blip! The gentleman in question is mydartmoorwalks.
I'm still dumb struck!
The group had a laugh saying I'm now famous!

Anyway TTFN
Draco Dragon xx

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