It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Star Trails.....

Something I've wanted to try for a long time and never known how to do.
With much help from John we almost froze. The clear icy sky was looking good. Camera was on interval shooting and took constant 20 sec exposures and although several hundred were taken over a period of time half were lost as the lens froze over and caused an orange cast over the images.

What a fab week its been. The group were a fantastic bunch of people and much frivolity was had. I've had the best time and a week in November next year is planned for a big LPH Blipmeet.
Five places have been booked by Myself, Rockarea, Loosecanon, PaulaK and Cat C.

I had a very good run home on the M6! Totally clear and no foul ups. What a miracle!!
I have now picked up Diesel Dog who after lots of cuddles and running round the house like a mad thing he is now flat out on our bed! Bless him.

I am hoping we might have got two new blippers out of this week. If they do come online then Ill send a link.

I have to thank John and Gail for making it one of the best weeks I've had in a long time. Also Peter and David aka Rockarea and Loosecanon for making it feel like family!

Draco the Star Chasing Dragon xx

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