The accidental finding

By woodpeckers

Wildgoose cottage, a cruck framed house

This afternoon I went out with the house detectives, Cleansteve and his friend Camilla, to look at Cruck-framed houses in the picturesque village of Frampton-on-Severn. We saw several, some possibly dating back to the 15th or 16th century, in varying states of repair. This was a very well maintained one, clearly! Another two were being redeveloped in a sensitive style, reusing the bricks from the older building.

There was not much in the way of light, but we enjoyed a pleasant walk around the houses and then back to the car via the church and its impressive tree lined avenue called "The Narls" . Sadly the trees are horse chestnut, and are all diseased now.

It was a great relief to get away from my aromatherapy factory, but I had to carry on making once I got back home. Around 9.45pm, mother rang to ask me to do a spot of travel agenting ( that's one of my roles within the family), and then I rang her back once I had finished stirring my cauldron of black pepper, frogspawn and eye of newt. By that time it was 11.15, and I see it's now 12.02, tomorrow already, and I stink of black pepper essential oil. Trust me, it's not the best aroma. However, I appear to have finished the making! Yee-harrrr!

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