Coprinus Comatus ...

... which actually means hairy things that like to live on dung!! This little family of Shaggy ink Caps have popped up under a bush and are currently looking rather fine. In a day or two all will have changed as they open up and startseeping and oozing a black liquid rather unpleasantly. They are edible and rather tasty apparently - good poached with garlic and butter and eaten on toast but I'm not hugely tempted.

An exhausting but good day. Himself has been busy chopping up the felled tree and shredding branches and I prepared the kitchen ceiling for the paint job which we have been putting off. Job done! There are 16 neck-wrenching beams which make it a bugger to do and you end up covered in paint as well. Still it's now brightly shining - now we just have to do the rest of the room. Ho hum.

Thanks you for all the lovely comments on yesterday's skyborne boat - much appreciated.

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