
By SeaGypsy49

The things we do.........

....just to catch a rabbit.
I took this photo of the dogs, just before they got washed in the sea.
They are busy staring at some birds on the beach, & that is why they are on the leads.
Earlier I had let them off for a run-around, but they were straight onto a rabbit. They took off down the road, and up to a neighouring place where there is a container, used for storage. Gyspy, who is a bit bigger, couldn't get under as far as the rabbit. Poppy, being smaller, got the rabbit.
The ground underneath the container is clay, and this is what is covering the two of them.
PJ has been fixing a neighbours drive way, it had big wheel ruts in it, so filled those with gravel and smoothed it out. People renting the house can now get their car up to the house in the wet.
Only been 12 to 13 deg C today here, so I got the fire going!! Two days ago it was 31.6 deg C - this is madness!!

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