
By samsticks


And yet another day comes to an end.

Life's certainly busy at the moment, and Gina is doing an absolutely incredible job at keeping us on track for the move this weekend... when I got in from work last night, lots of our stuff had already been boxed, and it carried on today - around her going to do a pre-settlement inspection of our new house.

Apparently the tenants have become even more feral. They still haven't lifted a finger to even attempt to do any cleaning, and what was previously an impressive skate ramp (in the garden) has now morphed into an incredible 3-ramp half pipe, with a tower to launch from and a flag that's higher than the house.

I would be impressed at their creativity and ask for a go if it wasn't in my house and I didn't want them to leave. I know that it's the main reason that they're staying put over the Summer, so we're considering sending in the council to see whether it's legal... and whether we're liable when we become the landlords at 2pm tomorrow.

Anyway, in other news, the band met up with a distributor this evening, so hopefully both of The Shivering Timbers albums will soon be winging their way to 180 digital distribution sites, including iTunes and Spotify... I'll keep you posted about when this will happen. We're not expecting much, but at least it should increase our exposure a little bit!

Tonight's blip is another one of my guitars. This one came in a kit (which I recieved from perceptive friends for my 30th). I sprayed with with a blue burst and it came out pretty nice - I reckon that it could use a few more coats of clear and a final sand back with extra fine sandpaper to really make it shine, but it's not a bad first effort. How does it sound? Well, I don't know - I actually need to sand back the neck a little bit to get it to sit right, so I've never actually been able to play it. Maybe I'll find some time to do it this Summer... I hate having an unfinished project!!

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