Have had a day at home today catching up with chores. Well I was supposed to be catching up but I don't seem to have achieved much. Still got the ironing to do this evening.

The weather was mild again today but dull - no sunshine at all.

Today's colour challenges is orange. As I was indoors I looked around the house for something suitable. I decided on this lovely lamp of a fairy with stained glass wings which I have had for many years. As you can see there is " added cat " - Tino being curious.

Here is something else from the list " 26 Glorious Things Newcastle Gave The World "

The most successful Turner Prize of all time

In 2011 the country’s most prestigious art prize left London for the first time heading North to the Baltic gallery on the banks of the river Tyne.

The Tate worried it wouldn’t work. They shouldn’t have. A little under 150,000 people flocked to see the exhibition - almost double the average attendance of 80,000 the show attracts in London.

( The Baltic Art Gallery is actually on the Gateshead side of the Tyne but its close enough to Newcastle to count I guess).

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