
By Anniemay


This is the solution to yesterdays riddle which I think most people got. “My whole’s what you do to the freezer or car” was referring to D-ice. It occurred to me afterwards that in some parts of the world D-icing the car is not a concept you would understand and Igor also pointed out that modern freezers don’t need D-icing. Maybe I will have to re-write that line.

Today’s challenge topic is history. These dice are a part of my history. They belong in my “maths teacher kit” which is a big part of my personal history. I still use it from time to time when I do one to one tutoring.

I took hundreds of shots today. I was trying to get an image of the dice coming out of the bag. I wanted to show movement but not too much blur. It looks like such a simple shot but it took ages!!

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