Shaping up ........

........ to look like the trees!

I really liked the way the clouds were mimicking the shape of the trees - other than that not a lot to be said about this photo.

Looks as though it's going to be a reasonable day weather-wise although it's cold again ... there are still an unseasonable amount of leaves on the trees - in the garden I have an apple tree and a hazel tree almost fully "clothed" whilst all the others have dropped their greenery - rather strange.

A lot to do today as I am on a "mission" on Tuesday and then, on Wednesday evening, am leaving home for a "sparrow flatulence" flight on Thursday for a four day mini-break - I'm not going to say where but will leave you to try and guess from my blips - the only clue - it's in Europe (and it's not Germany).
A few of you already know where so please don't let on just yet :-))

Thank you for your kind comments and gentleness on yesterday's blip of some grey geese in a grey sky - a grey blip all round!!

Last year the diving pelicans were rather nice

NIKON D5200 : f/5.6 : 1/250" : 70mm : ISO 560

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