Jax and co.

By indusriver

ill child

This time of year is such a challenge - if it is not enough to feel low because there is no light as part of your day, then it is most definitely the constant visit from the viruses that are doing the rounds. We are lucky that we are very healthy in general as a family but with so many if one gets it...then so do the others, one after the after!

Sienna has been fighting things now pretty much continuously since half term and has missed school, ballet and swimming on more than one occasion. Tonight we were even called to pick her up from Rainbows - 10 minutes after she was dropped off - pale and coughing and complaining of a sore stomach.

Still not ill enough to not kung foo kick me in the jaw while I was administering Vicks to her chest - her least favourite thing in the whole wide world - apparently!

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