Oh crepe

Lot of things to say oh crepe about today they all resolved ok though.

I headed into pay for our new kitchen without considering that my bank might find a purchase of that size somewhat suspicious. After my card was declined twice I had to make a lengthy phone call to customer support to see if anything could be done. Thankfully it got sorted out but it took a while.

That meant I was late for an appointment to get some photos of Marie's artwork in the Basement, I'll go back and get another photo once her website goes live next week.

Then I had to head into town and due to the rain made the rather ridiculous decision to cut through teh St James Centre.... On the second last Saturday before Christmas. The walking dead came to mind a bit.

Still I got all my stuff in town and made it home in one piece albeit feeling a bit rubbish. I was probably only spared from feeling totally horrendous by a visit to Brewlab for a fantastic coffee and a ten minute relax.

I was tempted to stop for a crepe at this stall but it was a bit dreich for standing about eating outside so I'll maybe try it another time.

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