Christmas with Nutella..

I was in a bit of a bad mood this morning and I had a headache as well. I had a look at the weather forecast and it said that the rain should stop at around 9, but otherwise it would stay dry and sunny, so I decided to take the big camera out. What happened was that the weather forecast was completely wrong and it rained non stop on my way to work with some wind gusts to top it up. Very difficult to handle an umbrella and a big camera at the same time in these conditions. On top of that, my umbrella broke!

In any case, I managed to take a couple of quick pictures at the market. The rain stopped after I arrived at work. Grrrrr!!! Lovely sunlight afterwards... Just my luck!

However, after that, my day went ok, although my body was aching from my cycling efforts yesterday. It was generally quiet but it's starting to catch up now.

Thanks very much for all your lovely comments and stars yesterday! I hope you all had a good start of the week! :)

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