Meanwhile, at the coast..

By meancoast

My right foot...... the only footware I can squeeze into this morning, and it's not really the weather for sandals. I know it doesn't look it but it's swollen (top to bottom rather than widthways), either a delayed result of a midnight stubbed toe a couple of days ago or, horror of horrors, GOUT.....I suspect the latter, I recognise the symptoms as my Ma gets it every now and then. Suffice it to say it was painful enough last night to keep me awake for hours and I've woken up grumpy and woolly-headed! The sandals are required for a slow hobble to the pharmacy around the corner in search of an anti-inflammatory/painkiller cocktail then it's foot-up time on the couch until it kicks in.....I suspect I won't be doing any kicking myself for a couple of days.....

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