
By scribbler

Past ghost, future ghost

Fog on the Broadway Bridge.

Christmas Eve is today's DDW-Mollymay challenge.
Now that's a Kookaburra invitation if ever I saw one.

To those concerned with my automotive safety, be it known that this image was obtained by waving my camera in a general direction and pushing the button, with my eyes fixed on the road!

Did this image surprise you? It surprised me! It reminds of an activity we so often undertake at this time of year: looking back and looking forward, perhaps inspired by Dickens's Scrooge and his ghosts. Accomplishments and ambitions. Regrets and resolutions.

2013 was challenging as I lived it day by day, but now as I look back I feel full of gratitude for the past and hope for the future. Best of all, I'm still scribbling! 2014 as I peer through the fog looks like The Year of The Novel. Thanks be to God.

On this holy night I wish you all the most blessed of Christmases ... until the next one.

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