
A later start this morning. Up at school by 8.10 am.

We took the bus to the Tjibaou cultural centre. One of the kids had forgotten to take her asthma medication, so we had to do a detour. The bus driver was very kind and patient. Quite cute too! I was his right hand woman while he was trying to get the bus out of a very narrow road. We chatted for a while on the way to the centre. Good to use my French in such a way. We discussed everything from sharks to religion.

The kids had a dance workshop. I was too much of a wimp and didn?t dance. This wee poppet was watching as the kids did their thing. I love the way she is totally unaware of me.

We traipsed around town for a while. I didn?t buy anything. It is all just so expensive.

Home to the hotel. Ready for bed and it is only 6 pm.


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