
Day two of Lake Nakuru trip today. This one started with a major barney with the safari company (separate from our very good driver). Very long story, which basically involves them being total tool faces. Won't recount the whole thing here, except to say that they will be getting a very nasty letter from me.

Complaints aside, day two was probably more spectacular than day one as the weather was so much nicer. Highlight today, apart from two more rhino spottings, was seeing three baby reticulated giraffes sitting around just metres from us!

Back to Nairobi in the afternoon to get on the night train to Mombasa. Early to the station, which meant a couple of hours waiting in what is a slowly decaying remnant of the colonial era (as is the train). Really incongruous, and fascinating for a wander - checking out such things as the 'upper class waiting area' and people watching. Train departed on time, we got settled in our very cosy compartment, and before long the chime gong rang to signal dinner. The train stops briefly to let everyone get settled at dinner, but gets going again as the waiters serve people, which means many a spilled drink as it bumps along the tracks. Early to bed after dinner, and a good sleep on the bottom bunk for me. B not so lucky up on the top - if it weren't for the safety netting holding her in, she probably would've ended up on the floor...

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