Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

In Memory...

Three years ago today, we said goodbye to our beautiful, neurotic, much-loved collie, Carrie. And I doubt that a day doesn't go by that Hubs and I don't think of her.

We adopted her through a collie rescue organization when she was 5, and was a part of our little family until she died at nearly 13. She hated having her picture taken, but occasionally I could catch her unaware, as I did in this shot. As you can see, she was a looker!

Like a lot of rescue dogs, she came with a fair amount of baggage, most of which manifested in a need to chew/eat all kinds of odd things - digital camera, eye glasses, picture frames, lemon humus, cat poo, deer poo, wood putty, did I mention deer poo? ... well, you get the idea. Not always funny at the time it happened, but it all brings a smile to my face in memory.

When she died, we had her cremated. Eventually, we buried her ashes under a grove of cedar trees in our yard, where she used to love to sit and watch the world. Hubs and I have both been known to spend a few quiet moments with her in this spot...

This isn't intended to be a downer-blip, I just wanted to mark the day. And for all of you folks who have your own fur-babies, give them an extra pat, scratch and/or hug ... for Carrie.

In other news, it is currently 4 in the afternoon and the snow still hasn't started falling, although the weather folks are insisting that we'll get 5-8 inches before morning. It's frosty cold out - 17 F heading down to -3 tonight. The bird feeders are all freshly filled and the heated bird bath is plugged in. The stream of birds to the water today has been non-stop. It's been so cold for the last week that the lakes and ponds are all frozen. Brrrr.

Off to snuggle in front of the fire - Happy Thursday, people...


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