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This was Corries chosen position for most of the festive break .. sitting on the sofa browsing the Ipad or the tablet (depending on which one was charged). We did get him out every day or two .. usually with some protest .. can't blame him really in this weather.

Like yesterday - we all went to the Panto - it was loosely based on Beauty and the Beast. Clackmannanshire Carers had booked 3 rows at the Macrobert Centre. Erin was seeing it for the second time having been with the Young Carers about 3 weeks ago. She loved every minute of it again.

We went along expecting Corrie to last 10 minutes (this was our previous panto experience with him many years ago now), but he loved it - especially the fart jokes and physical comedy stuff. It probably went on about 20 minutes too long for him, but I'm already looking forward to next years panto. He's been so locked in and disconnected with everything just lately, It was lovely just sitting and watching him enjoy something other than his technology. It was great to be sitting amongst other autistic youngsters as well - all really enjoying it too and clapping at all the wrong bits (or was that the rest of us??) :-)

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