
Brilliant afternoon at the orphanage. B and R made Christmas cards and decorations with the kids and I took photos of all the action. So many lovely candid shots of the kids, but it is this one of Irene, one of the teachers (the younger kids go to school at the orphanage), that I like the most.

Irene is new since we were last here, and the changes in the kids that are almost solely due to her are amazing. She is certainly a far cry from one of the old teachers who used to leave class to get grass for her cows. She is strict, but fair and fun. The kids now actually seem to be able to concentrate on something for more than a few minutes, their english has improved tremendously and they now clean up after themselves with an efficiency that is impressive!!

Irene is even so dedicated to her teaching that she vetoed our idea of a beach trip for the kids this afternoon because they would miss an important class. But, we are allowed to take them tomorrow as nothing pressing ever happens on a Friday afternoon...

Dhow ride on the creek this evening as the sun set and the stars came out. Oh yeah.

Backblipped yesterday - visiting some of the kids' houses.

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