Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly


This is just the paperwork. The administrative stuff, I mean. The Building Consent application form proper (6 pages), the Checklist (6 Pages), the Certificate of Title (4 Pages), the Clients' letter authorising me to act as their Agent (1 page), the Agreement to Provide a Producer Statement (2 pages), the Structural Engineer's Producer Statement (2 pages), the Structural Engineer's Certificate of Design Work (6 pages), & my Certificate of Design Work (6 pages).

None of this would enable any building to get built, anywhere, ever. For that there are drawings, specification, calculations. All this paperwork serves is to cover arses and justify the exorbitant fees the council charges.*

*Exhorbitant because it's nigh on as much as my fee to document the construction design and to wear any legal responsibility in the event something, somewhere down the line, goes wrong. Perhaps I should get my clients to fill out 12 page forms full of repetitive "yes/no/not-applicable" questions and then I could wash my hands of any liability too?

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