Now or Never

By Valgeirsdottir


a weekly meeting with the coolest group of women ever ! my photoclup - ÁLFkonur. We meet up every week, on Wednesdays.

I had great day at work, busy as a bee. Took Loki out for a litle bonding time, training him in obeying incall from me. And we played allot as well in the rain. We were at the dogarea and we met other people with their dogs as well. Loki is very playful puppy and simply doesn't understand when older dogs dont want to play with him.

At home I helped my son with his homework and his homeworkbonus was some quality computertime.

Those two partners in crime were alone home when I met up with my galz and amazingly my WC paper was all over the apartment when I came home... ? how on earth did that happen ?!

Today sun rise was at 11:01 and sun set at 15:44
totally daylight; 4 hrs and 43 mins

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