Sugar Magnolia

By cew

I have all the ingredients to make bread...but I can't wait the 3:50 hours until it'd be peanut butter and banana on melba toast it is...

Today is the day for a funeral for an old friend....I keep picturing his laugh and his way of telling a story and a joke...he was so much fun. His nick name was Festival (Festy)...'cause it was always a party when he was around.
He always had such fun parties with great music...
I used to paint these little abstract watercolors and Festy bought two of them. Whenever I went to his place after that he'd point them out and say he knows they'll be worth a fortune when I make it big.
Festy was actually a very close friend to my brother John. He was the uncle of some friends and I still remember the first time I met him. He and his fiance Vern were in a car and Festy told his niece Maureen and I that he and Vern were engaged...I thought he was so old. He was 9 years older than me! I was probably 13 or so...
He and Vern (Veronica) had two boys and many, many friends.
I found out he died Monday but still can not believe it...

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