Bella on loan

As I have a whole lotta sewing work to get through this week I am closed away in my workroom/office/ironing room with my portable air-con unit doing its thing on this humid summer's day.

To keep me company as I sew, my daughter Hayley dropped my Grand-puppy Bella in to me on her way to work this morning, to keep me company.

And I've discovered that Bella, like my Tess, doesn't like to have the camera pointed in her direction. Dogs are pretty cluey really, they know that the flash will blind them, so they look away before the camera clicks. Luckily, Bella is very pretty from all angles, her profile included.

Sitting at the sewing machine all day has given me a crick in the neck! Never mind, I can have another break soon....maybe a coffee break. :)

PS ~ I've just noticed that a year ago today I blipped my grand-kitten Miffie, my other daughter's pet.

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