Pictures by Ahti's dad

By hevosmies

A blip dedicated to my good old shoes

These have been very good and durable shoes, but I guess it's time to bid them farewell.

I've had these shoes for over 10 years. During the first couple of years I had them I used them only on special occasions. Even in frequent use they lasted much longer than any other shoes I've had.

I've experienced a lot wearing these shoes; they've been in Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Czech republic, France, Russia and possibly a couple of other countries too. I've had these shoes on when I've taken a boat ride and had a great time on River Vltava at Prague and I've worn these shoes, while being totally pissed off on my way to work. I've walked with them in metropols like Paris and St Petersburg and I've also walked in remote forests in Eastern Finland wearing them (though of course I prefer different type of shoes in forest). Just watched a photo from summer '99 and noticed I graduated from comprehensive school wearing these shoes.

So these shoes have done their job properly and it's time to get a pair of successors for them. When I buy my next shoes I'll invest more money than usually and buy high quality shoes. Too many times I've bought cheap shoes which last only about a year.

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