The Wolf Journal

By wolfjournal

The Blip Syndrome

Well, first of all, thanks for the warm welcome! But to be honest, it left me today with what I lovingly named a Blip Syndrome. I felt the huge pressure of coming up with yet another interesting, beautifully shot, technically outstanding foto. And then the realisation struck me even harder: hey, I am just a beginning, very amateuristic photographer. I can't do this!

Can anyone please confirm to me that this is a perfectly normal reaction to beginning a Blip journal? Please...?

Ok, so I've got to shake that daunting feeling off; I am not supposed to stun everyone every day with the world's greatest fotos. But it might take a while before I can really relax and just happily take fotos. Please bear with me :-)

So about today. I woke up this morning and realised that I started blipping in the worst possible time of the year: autumn. Today was rainy and depressing. And above all, when I stopped during my bike trip to my voluntary job for one of few opportunities and my camera wasn't planning on waking up, I realised that my memory card was still in my laptop (...and the pressure was building...). So I ended up taking pictures at home late in the afternoon, with this plant at the windowsill against drapes in the background....

By the way, this Blip thing kind of split my mind today; although my confidence is at an all time low, I think I am hooked!

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