Mark Power

By markpower


I'm not really doing this whole 'blip' thing, this 'journal' journey, quite right really. I really wanted to use blipfoto to push myself to create photographs regularly, day after day. Not stunning works of art (although that would be lovely) but nor general snapshots (I don't really do that kind of thing). But I find myself now stuck between the two stools and struggling to really settle on what I want to do here. And I'm afraid I am the kind of person that does need that clarity of vision – so there's no point in saying, "oh just get on with it" ;)

Anyway…the gist. What is the gist, Mark!?? The gist is I'm going to try – for now – to simply blip anything. Anything at all.

I know. Most of you are now saying, "well, duh! that's what we're all doing, you pretentious bastard!". And I wouldn't blame you.

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