Need a new project?!

Not much happening in Cornwall at the moment. Ann did a couple of hours work this morning and we’ve just frittered the rest of the day away!! There’s a limit to how much ‘Jeremy Kyle’ one can watch?

We need a new project so we’ve come up with a few ideas and thought we’d ask you lovely Blippers what you think?

..................Previous projects have been:

An A-Z of places in Cornwall.
An A-Z around the Cornish coastline.
100 places in Cornwall starting with the letter P.

These are our new ideas:

50 Cornish Rivers That’s my favourite because just think how many times I’d be able to go splish, splash, splosh.

50 places in Cornwall that start with ‘St.’

Guess where we are? – Ann Blips me somewhere in Cornwall and then you lovely Blippers have to guess where we are. But this will only work for people who know Cornwall and most of you lovely Blippers live miles away from us, so Ann’s not very keen on that idea.

However, we’re open to suggestions.................................. Perhaps some of you lovely Blippers can think of a new project for us?????

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