Feeling blue?

The Jays are flitting about again, which is always a delight.
Although this little chap with his bouffant hair looks a little bit sad in the rain droppy tree.

In spite of the miserable weather and the fact that we still have not filed our Tax Returns, I have been getting the most uncontrollable attacks of the giggles today.

Ed is back at her desk but she is slightly niggly, mainly because I keep laughing every time she speaks - due to her bad cold her voice is not fully operational and she sounds like a combination of a bloke doing a lady voice, a sea lion pup and a fog horn.
You have to hear her to fully appreciate how funny she sounds.

Even funnier she just popped down to the chemist to buy some cough drops and forgot that she had her hair tied up with a pair of knickers, which dropped onto the counter as she was paying for her medication. How I laughed..... again.

You'll be pleased to know that she has got her own back on me by getting me to phone a potential new client who has a most unfortunate name - It rhymes with tanko and starts with the letter 'w'. It was damn tricky but I managed to pull myself together and call him without corpsing.

All very childish of me, I know, but you've gotta have a laugh, haven't you!

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