The United "Colours" of Salisbury...

After yesterday's combination of colourful traffic light trails and Salisbury's historical Cathedral, here is some more of Salisbury's "colour"...

You need to be over 15 years old to look at this image and do NOT view in large.

But with the dull dead greys of another miserable winter's BORING weather, it had to be an 'interior' shot.

This is the underside of one the city's ring road bridges and it seems no-one, well, almost, go there. No signs of rough sleepers and it was DARK. It is only accessible from the front and even then you have to scramble down a slope.

I didn't use flash but eeked out all the detail from the deep shadows in Photoshop and whacked up the colour and contrast. The roof was just a mucky grimy greeny dark concrete grey so the only option for that was to make these parts monochrome. This does help accentuate the colour areas, though, so I think that works well.

It wasn't a pleasant environment to be for any length of time, oppressive and smelly and some dead, decaying small animals and birds.

Yes, what we DO for our Blips, eh?!

Lens is Nikkor 10-24mm

I spent much of the day uploading a number of 'Backdated Blips' and found an online jazz radio station. It was really good and some excellent music too. A pop up popped up saying about paying $4 a month for Premium membership. The main bonus of this was to enjoy a commercial-free listening experience. I listened all afternoon and the only 'adverts' was some sultry American woman selling - yes, you guessed it - Premium membership to

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