Flooding Around the Long Bridge...

With horrendous and heavy rain forecast for the rest of Friday and after my scandalously profane Blip of yesterday, I donned Wellington boots and trekked out to the still dark Elizabeth Gardens Long Bridge (Blip), here in the mist.

I had no idea what to expect - last time I was down there, the flooding from the River Nadder was at its peak and most of the Gardens were under deep water. I'm happy to report, that, despite this image, the waters have almost totally receded, leaving muddy and sedimentary debris and pockets of isolated muddy puddles. It's gone back to a 'normal' winter level. Yes, a large amount of rain is due to fall over the next 12 hours but hopefully the levels here are low enough to be able to cope.

Here, the hard-working and utterly capable new Slik tripod is up to its first leg section in floodwater - the sapling in the foreground is normally on the bank. I really liked the reflection of the wooden bridge and its surrounding clump and so that became the focal point but with added interest. Had to be cropped quite a lot to the left as this area simply didn't add to the composition, if anything, detracting from it.

Colour looked OK but this was always destined to be a black and white.

Lens is Nikkor 10-24mm

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