Room to play

Family Hevosmies visited Joensuu during the weekend. I and a couple other friends met them on Saturday. When I arrived in Joensuu I met the family at the Joensuu Arts and Crafts center where we had some coffee and delicacies at an idyllic cafe. After they had fed Ahti we went to the Art Museum where we were met by another friend. This is Ahti in the ballroom of the museum. Then we had a delicious dinner at restaurant Kerubi.

After the dinner we met another friend at another restaurant - and one friend and I ordered pizzas despite having finished the previous meal not too long ago. When we left the restaurant it was time for Ahti to go to bed and we continued for some beers at a nice small bar. Hevosmies and I carried on to yet another bar after that and I dropped by at restaurant Kerubi again before heading home. I haven't dared to check how much money I spent but I did have a good time and it was good to see my friends.

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