0804 to Leeds


"How did you decide on that name for her?"
"We were watching a really cringe-worthy romantic movie, one of those god-awful TV movies I think. I don't know why, don't ask. Anyway, it had a character called Serena in it, and I guess it stuck."
- (Mum)

I didn't have to venture very far today. I saw Serena's brightly coloured hair from across the art gallery and waited for her, and her mum, to approach me.

They seemed slightly taken aback by my request at first. After I had done explaining the project, and that I liked her hair colour, the mum (in a way only a proud mum can do), said:

"She does it all herself you know!"

Sometimes I wonder what people's impressions are of me in terms of a photographer. I'm not a professional by any means, and I don't describe myself as one. Though I'm sure some of my subjects probably think I am - the large camera maybe something to do with it.

Anyway, reason I mention this is because after I had done taking Serena's pictures, and showing it to both of them, the mum asked how much it would be. I explained that it was not for profit, and they would be welcome to the pictures once I'd posted them. Of course, I say this to all my subjects but rarely do I get anyone asking (I'm still to figure out why).

When I got home I had messages from both Serena, and her mum. It was a nice surprise - I hope they like it!

Humans of Leeds

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