a town called E.

By Eej

Fiery Red

<backBlipped 2/5>

I cycled to work over almost dry, but icily patchy in spots, roads. It felt good, despite frosty hands. Back was much less fun, with me being careful not to be a nuisance to drivers - and drivers having no regard whatsoever for me. I survived, but ate 2 oatmeal cookies when I came home. So yeah, that wasn't awesome :/

Fed ALL the birds of Michigan in the backyard. Took a photo of a male cardinal.
Made a FB 10 year anniversary movie.
Watched everybody else's FB movie.
Cried some more.
Made food. Zumba'd. Felt part of it all (which is kinda big because I always feel like such an outsider everywhere). Came home. Ate the food. Found out I can't be a blood donor in the US due to the Red Cross regulations regarding countries that have had cases of Kreutzfeld Jacob ever. Asked the Beloved to donate in my place :)

And that was Tuesday.

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