The second half of life..

By twigs


Had a busy day. 'Committments' at work ended at just after 2.00pm. and I had intended getting home early. Pah! I drove out of work a bit before 5.00 :(

Still, I did manage to get down to the beach for a stroll and a click or three in the evening.

There is a humungous bonfire constructed of driftwood along the beach and I'm guessing it's someone's November 5th effort. I'm thinking it might make a very cool blip if a) it is, b) I remember to go down there and c) I time it right with its lighting!

Had a bad moment today - thought it was Wednesday and was soooo disappointed to realise it was only Tuesday :(

PS Sorry - can't resist.......I just spotted my '1 year ago' shot - one of my favourites then and still one of my favourites now :) It hardly seems like a year ago though!!

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