The accidental finding

By woodpeckers


"The sun may sometimes melt a field of frozen sorrow
that seemed hard frozen: may it happen for you"

Sometimes, by Sheenagh Pugh

Just to prove that the sun does shine some times, I took this shot this morning. The flowers were given to me by my work colleagues on my 50th. I wish it were a bettter framed shot.

I set up an interesting play session for school today, then got sent off to work in the nursery! When I came back and asked the volunteer what they had been doing (without me) she said, "dancing to cheesy 90s music". Ah well.

Feeling pretty lousy today; sore throat and tiredness kicking in. Ominous tickle in chest. One of my massage patients turned up this afternoon, and the other didn't. After watching Rom 101.I shall probably go to bed with my box set of Boston Legal (series 1). Happy weekend!

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